Keith personal Coat of arms.
The shield shows on the top, the knight fighting for just causes, the time juggler, trying to do so much and the enthusiastic teacher spreading the word. On the shield you see the pen (writer) and trumpet (broadcaster) projecting through the vision or imposibity graphic, to produce magic. The shield also shows a world showing him both that he considers himself a subject of the world and that his influence is felt world wide. The computer represents a link between magic and the spread of it throughout the world. If you look deeper you will see two shaded areas of land with a vision island like in the ocean between them. You will also see that the shield itself is not a decorative item but the blade of a garden spade, and the knights helmet where the handle joins. Signifying practical action or labor as well as words. You will see that the hand of cards in the magic element shows that not all the cards are known at the same point, in the same way as not all the paths through life are visible. There is a lot more besides note the two trumpets broadcasting to different levels, the leaves of nature, the flash of inspiration (yellow) around the wand and near the computer. You will also see the whole lot is transparent acting as a part of the whole picture. What else can you see. |