You may feel that there are many historic documents spread throughout this
site, and you would be quite right.
What we have tried to do is to put them generally in the most relevant place,
however as they are replaced with new documents we will be transferring them to
the library history archives.
Over time we are trying to restructure the web site so that all historic
documents are within this section in relation to the real world.

The UK section shows much of what was happening in the real world up to 1999,
when local corruption caused such a loss to us and the thousands of people who
were enjoying the activities that we put on.

The document labeled IIS historic is an earlier definition of the IIS. (IIS
is Independent Inquiry Society)
The document labeled Report Club shows how the Reports Club was envisaged
prior to it being included within the IIS. In the future it is likely that the Report
Club will split out again.
The document labeled NA introduction was the introduction from the 1996
members handbook, it is surprising just how relevant it is today, and is very
similar to the version under 'Who are we'