Welcome to the Poetry Club page. We've hit the Internet at last. Some years
ago we had a bulletin board site for members to communicate with each other,
but this fell into dis-use when the Internet became popular. Well we've managed
to catch up at last.
The Poetry Club is part of New Atlantis, a non profit company (company limited
by guarantee). It has no connection with any religious or political organisation
and is run for the benefit of members. Reg in England and Wales no 2610973
So who is the Poetry Club for?
The Poetry Club was set up for people who either enjoy writing or reading
It is not academic in nature, and we are not interested in scoring points
to advance peoples careers.
We want to encourage poets; help them to get their poems published; recognise
undiscovered talent; and at all times encourage co-operation amongst poets.
We also want to get across the message that poetry is exciting, fun and not
in any way dull.
Encouraging song writing, and promoting the concept that a song is a poem
with a tune.
How do we meet these objectives?
Keeping members informed
Through the New Atlantis Times you will be reminded of closing dates of
competitions and other opportunities the club is able to organise for members.
As a full member of the Poetry Club, you become an affiliate member of New
Atlantis, and can also become an affiliate member of any of the other clubs
within New Atlantis with no increase in your membership fees.
Anthology Project
The Poetry Club has already produced in co-operation with others an anthology
of over 500 poems contributed by 255 individuals.
The anthologies are A4 sized books covered in simulated leather. They have
wide central margins so that schools and colleges can photocopy them. There
is another in production and should be completed shortly. Both members and
non-members can contribute to the anthologies.
Poetry Club Anthology Volume 1 is available for £24.95 and is available
from the publisher, Knowledge Base Publications Ltd, PO Box 403, Gloucester,
GL2 5LP.
There are 5 annual competitions. These include the most popular:
Poet of the Year. The closing date is the end of June each year.
There are no restrictions on topic you can write about what you like and
there is no restriction on length. Entry fee is £2.50 per poem.
Comedy Seat of Poetry. The closing date is the end of April each
year. Entry fee £2.50 per poem.
The poems entered in this competition must have an element of comedy within
them. Poetry has a tendency to be used for our saddest moments, and the aim
of this competition is to create laughter. It is a fun competition and should
appeal to everyone who enjoys comedy, or amusing poetry.
Songwriter of the Year. Closing date end of March each year. Entry
fee £5 per song.
The objective of this competition is to encourage new talent and to encourage
people to gain an understanding of song writing and to have a go. There is
no limit to the content other than material with a religious content is excluded
from this competition and should be entered under the sister competition
of Hymn Writer of the Year. The words of the song have to be entered,
and you need to have a tune to go with them. Ideally you will also submit
an audio tape with the song recorded, although it doesn't have to be studio
Hymnwriter of the Year: Closing date end of September each year.
Entry fee £5 per hymn.
Similar to the songwriter competition but the entry should have a religious
theme. The words of the hymn have to be entered, and you need to have a tune
to go with them. Ideally you will also submit an audio tape with the song
recorded, although it doesn't have to be studio quality.
So what does it cost?
Membership of the Poetry Club is the same as for all the other New Atlantis
Clubs and is comparable with being a member of any other professional group.
For example the author may be a member of the Society of Authors and the
TV or film writer a member of the Writers Guild. However, as many of the
members will be younger and therefore finding the necessary funds that much
more difficult, the club has set its subscriptions on a monthly basis, paid
by standing order, on any bank or building society current account, and most
deposit accounts. If you are not sure if you can use the bank account that
you have then call your bank or building society. If this is not possible,
then we suggest that younger members ask a parent or other relative to pay
it for them and then pay them back, or pay annually.
Full Membership
Nearly all members are currently full members as this offers the best value
by far. Full membership brings with it very many benefits, most of which
are free or at low cost to full members including events and projects. No
age Limits. Full membership costs £30 to join and £10 a month
subscription by standing order. Alternatively instead of a monthly standing
order you can pay £120 a year by cheque or postal order.
Family Membership
Family membership is attractive when several members of the family are involved.
This is full membership for each member of the family it cost £30 to
join and £10 for the first member a month and just an additional £3.50
a month for each additional member in the family. (Additional £42 if
annual payment). No age limits.
Associate Membership
Introduced for people who do not need to use many of the services,
or do not expect to attend many events, as although most services, events
and projects are available to associates they pay a charge for each. The
fully inclusive membership is usually better value. Associate membership
costs £30 to join and £55 a year. If you want to join as an associate
modify the form below and enclose the joining fee and first year subscription,
a total of £85. No age limits.
Poetry Club
Club Services,
PO Box 403,
Gloucester GL2 5YG.

To join print out and complete the following application form
o I wish to become a Full/Family/Associate member of the Poetry Club and
I enclose my joining fee of £30 (cheque made out to Poetry Club), Plus
o Monthly Payment is by standing order completed below
oAnnual payment of £120.
I will get a full copy of the rules, which I will read, and be bound by.
I may leave at any time, providing that I write to the club by recorded delivery.
Telephone number:
Date of Birth: ............................................
Sex: Male/Female
Poetry Club Family Membership Yes/No (add details for other members on a
separate piece of paper, and adjust subscription.)
Standing Order:
Name of Bank:
Please pay to the order of Maximum Coverage Ltd. (Account Number: 12044784)
NatWest Bank, Merthyr Tydfil (54-10-02) the sum of £10/................
IMMEDIATELY, AND £10/................ MONTHLY on the 1st of each MONTH
thereafter, until further notice.
Account Name:
Account Number:
Signed: .................................................
TO BANK: Please quote the following reference number in full when remitting: