Membership includes all of
the following
Screen Actors Association benefits include:
Discounts and offers throughout the year, including club items, training
items, information and publications.
A chance to attend the annual summer school for screen actors.
Special screen based training and practical skills training.
Quality photographic portfolios for only £20, and you don't pay until
you get a photography date.
Setting recommended rates for screen actors and extras.
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Also included:
Talent Club Membership
A speaking part in TV productions.
Free training and workshops.
Free entry in national competitions and talent shows.
Low cost sessions in a recording studio.
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Model Club Membership
Free training and workshops.
Free entry in national competitions.
Larger low cost specialist portfolios.
Low cost index cards.
| | | |
Affiliate membership of 12 other clubs including the Poetry Club, Filmcraft,
and Writers Club International.
Registration with Ace Star
Representing actors, extras and rising stars.
Active sales force marketing people like you.
Free screen training day.
Free photograph.
A chance to attend a very wide range of skills training for actors at cost.
Specialist groups for stunt, dance, singing, voice over and other areas.
A monthly newsletter.
| | | | | | |
Rising Stars Supporters Group
Updated information and photos of the Rising Stars as they progress.
Updated information on how to become involved in the Rising Stars project.
A chance to attend workshops and work with some of the Rising Stars.
| | |
Registration with Ace Modelling Agency
Special sponsored studio sessions.
Involvement in the magazine project.
| |

The other options: -
You can of course join the Model Club, Talent Club and other groups to gain
experience and then register with the top agencies Ace Star Management and
the Ace Modelling Agency. Then enquire about other projects such as Rising
Stars. But by joining the Screen Actors Association you can do all this in
one simple step, and also get the benefits of membership of the association,
all economically with the costs of membership spread over the year.

An opportunity for all screen actors and would be screen actors
or extras
This is new:-
This is the opportunity you have been waiting for, the chance in one
simple step to join all the leading organisations connected with screen acting
and be represented by the top agency for screen actors and extras.

An invitation to join
The Screen Actors Association
as a founder member
Screen acting includes:
TV dramas
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Introducing the new
fast track way to get into screen acting
Free training put on across the UK.
A range of extra specialist training for screen actors in a wide range of
Membership of a range of experienced and relevant clubs.
Representation by the UK's top specialist agency for screen actors.
And much more..............
| | | | |
Join today, and take advantage of the special introductory membership rate
and many other benefits
Built on experience going back over 25 years.
The administration is being run by Club Services who administer 14 national
clubs, and the experience of a number of clubs and agencies as well as a
TV production company, publisher and others has been brought together, to
set up this association.
As a founder member we offer you:
Immediate membership once your standing order is received.
A saving of £30 as no joining fee is payable by you if you join now.
Membership fee frozen for life, no increases ever for founder members.
A chance to use many of the services such as portfolios before a waiting
list builds.
If you are already registered with a New Atlantis Club such as the Model
Club or Talent Club International or with Ace Star Management and you point
it out at the time of registering with the association we will ask the club
to cancel your existing standing order within a month and send you a Screen
Actors sweatshirt, please say if small, medium, large or extra large is required.
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Complete the form and register now, because if you put it down, you know
you risk not getting around to registering later and will then miss out on
the many benefits. This really is an opportunity not to be missed.

All this it must be expensive
No it is comparative with joining any other professional organisation, and
the cost is spread over a year. The cost is just £14.95 a month, later
a £30 joining fee will be added but as a founder member you do not have
to pay this if you register now.
Are there any other problems.
Not really, you have to have a bank account that you can have a standing
order on, but once the two agencies start finding paid work for you, you
will need this to bank your cheques won't you. Alternatively get a friend
or relative to allow you to use their account and pay them back.
Is there an age limit on membership of the association.
Yes you have to be able to go to events unsupervised and be old enough to
take things seriously so we have set a minimum age of 14, there is no top
age. You can register with individual clubs or agencies under 14.
How local are things put on to me.
Ace Star Management put on between 7 and 10 basic screen training days a
month spread throughout the UK, they also put on skills training throughout
the UK. Some of Talent Club projects such as filming the TV series Special
People and mini films is carried out throughout the UK, but much has to be
organised centrally, so as to get enough interested people together. One
of the reasons for setting up the association has been to stimulate more
regional training and co-operation between the organisations above.
How do I register:-
Just print out and complete the form below and mail it in now to Club Services,
PO Box 403, Severn Sound, Rea Lane, Hempsted, Gloucester, GL2 5YG

I wish to become a Full member of the Screen Actors Association, and have
completed the enrollment form and standing order below. I will get a full
copy of the rules, which I will read, and be bound by. I may leave at any
time, providing that I write to the association and send the letter by recorded
NAME: ..................................................................
POSTCODE: ..........................................................
Telephone number: ................................................
Date of Birth: ..........................................
Sex: Male/Female

Tick those following that you want us to register you with at no extra cost,
but remember if you leave the association or your subscriptions fall behind
we will cancel these registrations.
Talent Club International
Model Club
Ace Star Management
Ace Modelling Agency
Rising Stars Supporters Group
You want to act in the mini TV drama series
| | | | | |

I am already registered with
A New Atlantis Club
Ace Star Management Ltd
Please send me a free sweatshirt size: ....................
| | |

Standing Order
Name of Bank:
Please pay to the order of Maximum Coverage Ltd (Account Number: 12044784).
Nat West Bank, Merthyr Tydfil (54-10-02) the sum of £14.95 IMMEDIATELY,
and £14.95 MONTHLY on the 1st of each MONTH thereafter, until further
Account Name: ..............................................................
Account Number:
TO BANK: Please quote the following membership reference number in full when

Other information:
Information is available about registering separately with each of the clubs
and agencies, write to the address below requesting the information you want
and enclosing two first class stamps.
Ace Star Management.
The top agency for screen actors, extras and rising stars. You do not need
to join any of the clubs or the association to register with Ace Star Management,
or to attend their free screen actors training day. Information is available
by calling 01452 413702, and leaving your name, address and postcode on the
answering machine. There is a registration fee of £15, but the Screen
Actors AAssociation pays this for you when you become a member of the
The clubs mentioned in this handout and Screen Actors Association are divisions
of New Atlantis a non profit company, company limited by guarantee. The principle
objective of New Atlantis is to improve the quality of life of its members,,
it is not connected with any religious or political organisation. Ace Star
Management, the Ace Modelling Agency, Atlantis Virtual World (a TV production
company) and others work very closely with New Atlantis.
New Atlantis is registered in England and Wales No: 3207338
The Screen Actors Association
PO Box 403, Gloucester, GL2 5YG
Tel 01452 413702
Club Services (for other information)
PO Box 403, Gloucester, GL2 5YG
Email: or
Ace Star Management Ltd
PO Box 403, Gloucester, GL2 5YG
Enquiry line for information packs: 01452 413702
Telephone to a person during operating hourse Mon-Sat 8am to 6pm:
01452 413702
Edition 1
Aug 1999