The organisation that discovers, develops and supports fashion,
advertising and photographic models.
The Model Club is part of New Atlantis, a non profit company (company limited
by guarantee). It has no connection with any religious or political organisation
and is run for the benefit of members. Reg in England and Wales no 2610973.

So you want to be a model!
But why, maybe it's the thought of large financial rewards and fame, or is
it to improving your own self confidence and esteem, or to visit exciting
places and meet exciting people. For some, new friendships or relationships
will be the outcome, for others the income to become independent, but whatever
your own personal ambitions and outlook on life you can either achieve your
objectives through modeling or use it as a stepping stone on the way.
We know that the majority of people interested in modeling, have no real
experience, and often even less knowledge of how to get started, let alone
how to get paid. Now there are many agencies, some who are not interested
in new talent, and some that are, providing that you cover all the costs,
and you are then prepared to sit back and wait
.and wait
wait. The Model Club on the other hand, while not being able to guarantee
rapid assignments for every new member, can help you get started, help you
gain valuable experience while you are waiting and make sure that you have
someone to look after your interests when necessary.
The club is proactive, we do not moan about problems we overcome them. We
rarely see problems, but see instead opportunities for members and for the
club to make a difference.
The club starts, once you have registered, by sending you a detail form to
complete which tells us a lot about you, the type of work you are looking
for and some of your ideas on life.
We also send you information on the many other clubs that together with the
Model Club form New Atlantis, an organisation with one objective to improve
the quality of life of its members. Once you are a member of the Model Club
you are automatically an affiliate member of New Atlantis and can be an affiliate
member of any of the other clubs that interest you, all without any increase
in subscription.
Next, we invite you to book a low cost portfolio building session, a camera
shoot, which is usually organised as small groups about the same age, at
our base near Gloucester. This allows the club to have professional quality
photographs of you, allows you to gain experience and to build your own
portfolio. In this session you can change into a least 3 sets of clothes
to gain as much as possible from this session. However as a member you pay
nothing to attend this shoot, or for the portfolio. Depending on the areas
of work you are interested in you will be invited to more shoots and events,
so that you constantly gain experience. There are two other larger portfolio
sessions that you may be able to attend, at a very small cost, depending
on your age and the range of work you are taking on. Full details of portfolio
sessions and a booking form is sent to all new members and is available on
request. With all portfolio sessions we build two portfolios for you, one
you keep and your agency is given an identical one both with giant 9x6 colour
photographs throughout, you and your agency also get a copy of all the other
photographs we took of you that did not get selected for the portfolio. You
can get more details on the portfolios sessions by selecting portfilio
above on the left.
Video portfolios are also available, but these are usually undertaken after
you have built a traditional portfolio, as a lot of the still shots are used
within the video.
Club events are organised at various places throughout the year. Some events
run over a weekend or longer, while many are one day events. Take for example
some May and August bank holiday 3 day weekend events that have been run,
these were specialist events for female models between 14 and 30, and includes
a full programme of tutorial and practical sessions, with parties running
into the early hours on two nights, and a fashion show put on by those attending
on the last day. A fun and exciting weekend with many things being learnt,
new friends discovered and practical experience gained. The course is free
to full members. Other events include a chance to dress in period costumes,
and many chances to gain experience and expand your portfolio.
Club sessions can also be put on by individual members and are generally
evening or half day events put on near to where you live, and are training
or information sessions. Many of these are organised by members themselves
and the costs and promotion of the session is paid by the club. Other sessions
are social events only, giving you a chance to meet and compare experiences
with other models and learn from each other.
As well as training events we have annual competitions, trips, fashion shows,
and a large number of projects, many you can just choose to join in while
some like the Super Model Project, and magazine project are selective.
Some projects like the 26 part TV drama series, Special People, and several
mini films are organised jointly with a number of other New Atlantis Clubs.
Advice and information comes in a number of ways including a newsletter,
specialist booklets, and a confidential telephone advice service, with no
subject limit for full members.
You also get a chance to volunteer to help out at club events or as part
of a range of projects. Volunteers although not paid do get all their expenses
paid and sometimes are put up by the club. Some volunteers are even lucky
enough to be selected to go on the fact finding visits to places we are
considering for club holidays, or come along on the holidays to undertake
some of the chores.
It should be understood that the Model Club, by accepting someone for membership
cannot guarantee that you will get work, we are a support organisation to
encourage, support and help you, not an agency. We will unless you tell us
otherwise also talk to an agency about representing you on a non exclusive
basis with no fees to you other than a percentage commission on work obtained
for you, we can do this as we work closely with a national agency and was
involved in the agency being established a few years back.
Other clubs with New Atlantis.
As a full member of the Model Club, you become an affiliate member of New
Atlantis, and can also become an affiliate member of any of the other clubs
within new Atlantis with no increase in your membership fees. These clubs
include all the areas that models are often interested in such as acting,
TV presentation, singing and entertainment, film and TV crafts, lifestyles,
photography, writing, poetry, music and business as well as several others.
Don't delay join the Model Club as a full member and if you decide when you
have the information on all the other clubs that one of these would have
been a better on for you, we will transfer you to the club, without any
additional cost. The Model Club also has close ties with a publishing company,
model agency, extra and actors agency, TV production company and a recording
company is planned. Of course both the Model Club and New Atlantis, is still
growing with so much more planned.
You will I hope agree that you would both enjoy and benefit from Model Club
membership, and it will prove an enjoyable investment as well as a chance
to make new friends.
Any questions call
8am to 6pm

Membership cost.
The cost of membership is comparable with being a member of any other
professional group. For example the author may be a member of the Society
of Authors and the TV or film writer a member of the Writers Guild. However,
as many of the members will be younger and therefore finding the necessary
funds that much more difficult, the club has set its subscriptions on a monthly
basis, to be paid by standing order, on any bank or building society current
account, and most deposit accounts. If you are not sure if you can use the
bank account that you have then call your bank or building society. If this
is not possible, then we suggest that younger members ask a parent or other
relative to pay it for them and then pay them back.
Full Membership:
Nearly all members are currently full members as this offers the best value
by far. Full membership brings with it very many benefits, most of which
are free to full members including at very low cost the photography and prints
necessary for building your portfolio and some weekend events. Reprints at
cost, and free entry to many other projects, and much more. Full membership
costs £30 to join and £10 a month subscription.
Family Membership:
Family membership is attractive when several members of the family are involved.
This is full membership for each member of the family it cost £30 to
join and £10 for the first member a month and just an additional £3.50
a month for each additional member in the family. Remember different members
of the family can benefit from different clubs allowing all the family
to become involved.
Associate Membership:
Introduced for people who do not need to use many of the services, or do
not expect to attend may events, as although most services, events and projects
are available to associates they pay a charge for each. The fully inclusive
membership is usually better value. Associate membership costs £30 to
join and £55 a year. If you want to join as an associate modify the
form at the bottom and enclose the joining fee and first years subscription,
a total of £85.
Affiliate Membership:
Available free if you are a full member of any other New Atlantis Club, or
available on subscription, with a joining fee of £30, and a monthly
subscription of just £4.20 a month (the equivalent of a pound a week
over the year). The benefits are currently the same as associate membership.

Please print out and complete the application form below.
I wish to become a
.member of the Model
Club and I enclose my joining fee of £30 (cheque made out to The Model
Club), Plus,
Monthly Payment is by standing order completed below.
Annual Payment of £120.
I will get a full copy of the rules, which I will read, and be bound by.
I may leave at any time, providing that I tell the club.
Telephone number:
Date of Birth:
Sex Male/Female
Family Membership YES/NO (add details for other members and adjust subscription.)
Standing Order:
Name of Bank:
Please pay to the order of Maximum Coverage Ltd, (Account Number:12044784).
NatWest Bank, Merthyr Tydfil (54-10-02) the sum of
MONTHLY on the 1st of each MONTH
thereafter, until further notice.
Account Name:
Account Number:
TO BANK: Please quote the following membership reference number in full when