The organisation that discovers, develops and supports people with an
interest in technical, artistic or support sides of making TV programmes,
films of any type, and staging productions.
If you are interested in performing in front of a camera, on stage, on radio
or being recorded then ask for a handout on Talent Club International, and
if you are interested in screen or script writing then ask for information
on Writers Club International. Full membership of any New Atlantis club,
includes affiliate membership to all others.
Filmcraft Club International is part of New Atlantis, a non profit company
(company limited by guarantee).. It has no connection with any religious
or political organisation and is run for the benefit of members
Reg in England and Wales no 2610973

Introduction Filmcraft Club International
Filmcraft Club International is we believe a unique organisation, that discovers,
develops and supports people in any way connected with, or having an interest
in technical, artistic or support sides of making TV programmes, films of
any type, and staging productions. Examples include producers, directors,
designers, make up artists, animators, camera operators, sound people, special
effects, and model makers. There are of course very many more. Performers
should join Talent Club International or screen writers, Writers Club
International, both organisations we work very closely with. Still photographers
should join the Photography and Digital Imaging Club.
All the clubs mentioned above are part of New Atlantis a non profit organisation
(company limited by guarantee), that exists to improve the quality of life
of its members. Filmcraft Club International came about when the technical
and support groups that related to the roles behind the camera or backstage,
and some of the artistic group were split off from the Model Club to form
this club. The Model Club has very similar objectives and is a non profit
organisation initially set up for people interested in modelling but had
developed into a number of other fields.
Filmcraft Club International is proactive, we do not moan about problems,
we overcome them, sometimes on our own but often by becoming involved in
joint projects like setting up a new TV production company, with a brief
to create TV series and films, so that our members and members of other New
Atlantis clubs we work closely with, could gain experience and exposure.
Likewise at the point this information is being written we are in the process
of setting up a new recording company. We rarely see problems, but see instead
opportunities for members and for the club to make a difference.
At first sight the areas of interest covered by this club may seem wide,
but they all have one thing in common, the desire to create a good TV programme,
film or show. Having a range of interests catered for, also gives you the
chance to learn about, understand and get experience in a number of skills,
so the cameraman, might have a go at directing, or the make up person a go
at costume designing. With a range of skills, and working with other clubs
we can create quality productions, and because you get to see more than just
one area, there is never a dull moment, and projects flow with always others
to help when needed.
The club starts, once you have registered, by sending you a detailed form
to complete which tells us a lot about you, the type of work you are looking
for and some of your ideas on life. We also send you information on the many
other clubs that together with Filmcraft Club International form New Atlantis,
an organisation with one objective to improve the quality of life of its
members. Once you are a full member of Filmcraft Club International you are
automatically an affiliate member of New Atlantis and can be an affiliate
member of any of the other clubs that interest you, all without any increase
in subscription, including of course the other clubs we have already mentioned.
Club events are organised at various places throughout the year. Some events
run over a weekend or longer, while many are one day events. Based at the
studio and training centre with the Model Club and Talent Club International,
we have access to all the groups equipment, such as movie and video cameras,
computerised video editing, radio microphones, sound equipment and of course
expertise. Many projects, events and workshops will be organised jointly
between several of the clubs, allowing us all to achieve so much more than
we could on our own, so you will get the opportunity to be involved in
productiongdocumentaries, training material, promotional material, TV
commercials, drama, animation's, and much more. Both the Model Club and Talent
Club International, use video to help at workshops, and also run larger events
such as fashion shows, showcases, and competitions giving you also the chance
to get a lot of experience.
Although we already have access to a range of equipment, more is on our shopping
list. Some projects will require equipment that we do not own, and this will
by hired, although the usual policy is to purchase what we need where we
can. Groups of members with specific interests will investigate and visit
places to look at new equipment, visit studios, or other production teams
at work, allowing you to learn even more. Equipment is expensive a boom
microphone on a pole costing over £500, and a broadcast quality camera
many thousands. The cost of equipment purchase and hire is likely to be far
greater than the total membership fees of this club, and the benefit we bring
to the group of clubs is recognised and therefore New Atlantis will be providing
a number of methods that will allow us to get our hands on more equipment
and likewise the TV production company running the TV projects will help.
Local club sessions put on by members are generally evening or half day events
put on near to where you live, and are training or information sessions.
Many of these are organised by members themselves and the costs and promotion
of the session is paid for by the club.
Those interested in a career in one of the areas covered by this club, will
recognise the need to gain experience and to be able to demonstrate what
you can do, the need for a show reel, and to be included in credits. Advice
and information comes in a number of ways including the newsletter, specialist
booklets, and a telephone advice service, with no subject limit for full
You also get a chance to volunteer to help out at club events or as part
of a range of projects. Volunteers although not paid do get all their expenses
paid and are sometimes put up by the club. Some volunteers are even lucky
enough to be selected to go on the fact finding visits to places we are
considering for club holidays, or come along on the holidays to undertake
some of the chores.
As well as all of this New Atlantis works closely with a model agency and
extra/actors agency, and manages a number of industry wide projects, such
as the new national index to be published on CD ROM's of actors and models,
later volumes will contain other areas including the areas covered by this
club. A new webb site is also being developed by the agencies. The club also
gets other projects going and then hands them over to others to run as their
own business. Few individuals can afford to make movies, however working
together so much is possible.
It should be understood that Filmcraft Club International, by accepting someone
for membership cannot guarantee that you will get work, we are a support
organisation to encourage, support and help you, not an employment agency.

Other clubs within New Atlantis.
As a full member of Filmcraft Club International, you become an affiliate
member of New Atlantis, and can also become an affiliate member of any of
the other clubs within New Atlantis with no increase in your membership fees.
These clubs include all the areas that members will often be interested in
such as acting and performing, lifestyles, photography, modelling, writing,
poetry, music and business as well as several others.
Don't delay join Filmcraft Club International as a full member and if you
decide when you have the information on all the other clubs that one of these
would have been a better one for you we will transfer you to that club, without
any additional cost. Filmcraft Club International also has close ties with
a publishing company, model agency, extra agency, TV production company and
recording company is planned. Of course both Filmcraft Club International
and New Atlantis, is still growing with so much more planned.
You will I hope agree that you would both enjoy and benefit from Filmcraft
Club International membership, and it will prove an enjoyable investment
as well as a chance to make new friends.
Filmcraft is far smaller than other clubs in the group as more people want
to be in front than behind the camera so there is always opportunities for
all members to get involved.
Any questions call 01452-413702
8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday

Membership cost.
The cost of membership is comparable with being a member of any other
professional group. For example the author may be a member of the Society
of Authors and the TV or film writer a member of the Writers Guild, or Writers
Club International. However to make it possible for more people to take part,
the club has set its subscriptions on a monthly basis, to be paid by standing
order, on any bank or building society current account, and most deposit
accounts. If you are not sure if you can use the bank account that you have
then call your bank or building society. If this is not possible, then we
suggest that younger members ask a parent or other relative to pay it for
them and then pay them back.
Full Membership
Nearly all members are currently full members as this offers the best value
by far. Full membership brings with it very many benefits, most of which
are free or at low cost to full members, show reels at cost. Full members
can also have a full plan worked out for them, helping them to get the range
of experience that they want, and to participate in a wide rage of projects.
No age Limits. Full membership costs £30 to join and £10 a month
subscription by standing order.
Family Membership.
Family membership is attractive when several members of the family are involved.
This is full membership for each member of the family it cost £30 to
join and £10 for the first member a month and just an additional £3.50
a month for each additional member in the family.You should remember that
each member can be a member or affiliate of the clubs of their choice, so
all the family can get involved.
Associate Membership:
Introduced for people who do not need to use many of the services, or do
not expect to attend many events, as although most services, events and projects
are available to associates they pay a charge for each. The fully inclusive
membership is usually better value. Associate membership costs £30 to
join and £55 a year. If you want to join as an associate modify the
form below and enclose the joining fee and first years subscription, a total
of £85.
Affiliate Membership:
Available free if you are a full member of any other New Atlantis Club, or
available on subscription, with a joining fee of £30, and a monthly
subscription of just £4.20 a month (the equivalent of a pound a week
over the year). The benefits are currently the same as associate membership.

Please print out and complete
I wish to become a
of Filmcraft Club International and I enclose my joining fee of £30
(cheque made out to Filmcraft Club International), Plus,
Monthly Payment is by standing order completed below
Annual Payment of £120
I will get a full copy of the rules, which I will read, and by bound by.
I may leave at any time, providing that I tell the club in writing and sent
by recorded delivery.
Telephone number
Date of
Sex Male/Female
Family Membership YES/NO (add details for other members and adjust subscription.)
Standing Order:
Name of Bank:
Please pay to the order of Maximum Coverage Ltd, (Account Number:12044784).
NatWest Bank, Merthyr Tydfil (54-10-02) the sum of
monthly on
the 1st of each MONTH thereafter, until further notice.
Account Name..
Account Number.
TO BANK: Please quote the following membership reference number in full when

Filmcraft Club International, PO Box 403, Gloucester, GL2 5YG
Email or
Telephone (01452) 413702
8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday
Filmcraft Club International Membership Information
Edition 4 September 99